Did you know the number affected by Dementia is at an all time high and it is no longer limited to the elderly?  While the cause is still unclear, research shows how exercise and mediation can slow down and even reverse the onset of these diseases.  Due to the cognitive impairment of those affected, it is up to their loved ones to recognize symptoms and seek treatment options.  If you know someone who is showing signs of a cognitive disease, HealHop might present a great opportunity to address the problem. They will gain a better understand of how the mind works and why the impairment is taking place.  For clients who are not able to row for the entirety of the class, they are welcome to do interval rowing or simply sit and enjoy music to quiet their minds. For starters, one hour a week of mediation can eliminate some of the “clutter” which is causing the problem.  Once a client reaches stillness, it will provide motivation to continue their practice outside the studio.