When life is interrupted by health issues we tend to look to the internet, books or medical professionals for answers. While each can provide valuable information, we often forget to look inward to help find the root cause of the problem. Nobody knows your body better than you do. Feeling a sensation is easier than describing it. Professional therapists are knowledgeable and qualified but use terms like “3 sets of 10,” “hold for 10 seconds,” “3X a week” only as guidelines start the process of healing. To continue it correctly, it is the responsibility of the individual to self-assess remaining issues and address them appropriately. 10 years ago I needed surgery to repair two ruptured ligaments in my ankle. My ankle and calf remained tight after rehab. I did stair calf raises and massaged acute points in deep muscle tissue to release tension. I continued this process for months, and periodically for years until the discomfort was completely eliminated. It is these “micro-issues” that when neglected prevent the full recovery from taking place. I consider this healing experience was a warm up for things that came later.
Meditation can increase physical awareness, which is the key to self managing lingering issues. A body scanning mediation involves concentrating your attention on all portions of your body, from your toes to your nose. You might notice some tingling or stiffness in joints you wouldn’t have thought twice about during a busy work day. It takes discipline to routinely seek out and alleviate these micro-issues but I believe it is one of the most important ways to heal damage and slow the process of aging.