The Little “I’s”
We are made up of a multiplicity of thoughts and emotions. When the “Real I” begins to identify, observe and eliminate the negative “Little I’s” […]
We are made up of a multiplicity of thoughts and emotions. When the “Real I” begins to identify, observe and eliminate the negative “Little I’s” […]
Many of us live in a chronic state of low level anxiety. While the symptoms of this “Silent Stress” are subtle, it’s long term effects […]
When listening to music for meditative, reflective, or healing purposes…instrumentals are best. Vocals can be a distraction and prevent us from connecting more deeply with […]
Visualize inhaling sparkles of light and exhaling a foggy waste during your workout. Feeding. Cleansing. Visuals give the mind something to focus on and are […]
The rowing motion works all major muscle groups and increases mobility from the feet to the shoulders. The legs produce 60% of the power and […]
Is the Foam Roller the most underrated tool in fitness? SLOWLY rolling your muscles back and forth softens deep muscle tissue and increases mobility. Exhaling […]
The bright colors and intuitive applications on our phones Tug at our attention and can make us less mindful. Enabling “Grayscale” makes the screen easier […]
“Reflection is the power acquired by a consciousness to turn in upon itself. The being who is the object of its own reflection becomes in […]