Ancient Wisdom
I believe exercise and mediation STRENGTHEN these forces.
I believe exercise and mediation STRENGTHEN these forces.
When we exert ourselves during exercise or listen deeply to music, ENDORPHINS give us a natural high and new perspective. This form of euphoria is […]
Music is a SUPPLEMENT for mental health. It is important to listen deeply for positive, lasting effects on mood, emotions and thought patterns.
Use the hour in the studio to escape the demands and anxiety of life. We consider music, movement and breathwork “natural medicine.” I encourage clients […]
The most difficult part of getting into shape is starting the process. Don’t be intimidated by a 30 minute row. Those starting a new fitness […]
Do you have a favorite color? What is it? Why do you like it?
Start with simple reflections. As you practice they will become more complex.
HealHop works best when it is personalized for each client. Some people come in for the physical benefits, others for the mental. An athlete in […]
Lets say the little men represent your negative emotions. The angry you, the anxious you, the resentful you, the sad you, the stubborn you, etc. […]